【Oracle PL/SQL】縦持ちのデータを横持ちに変換する表関数
発注日 | 発注可能(0:不可、1:可能) | 配送可能(0:不可、1:可能) |
2019/07/01 | 1 | 1 |
2019/07/02 | 1 | 0 |
2019/07/03 | 1 | 1 |
2019/07/04 | 1 | 0 |
2019/07/05 | 1 | 1 |
2019/07/06 | 0 | 1 |
2019/07/07 | 0 | 1 |
発注日 | 2019/07/01 | 2019/07/02 | 2019/07/03 | 2019/07/04 | 2019/07/05 | 2019/07/06 | 2019/07/07 |
発注可能 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
配送可能 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
実行環境はブラウザでクラウド環境のOracle Databeseが実行できるOracle Live SQLを使います。

まずはテーブルとデータを用意します。-- 発注カレンダー CREATE TABLE order_calendar ( order_date VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, is_orderable NUMBER(1) NOT NULL, is_deliverable NUMBER(1) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT pk_order_calendar PRIMARY KEY(order_date) ); -- 1ヵ月分のデータ INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/01', 1, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/02', 1, 0); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/03', 1, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/04', 1, 0); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/05', 1, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/06', 0, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/07', 0, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/08', 1, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/09', 1, 0); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/10', 1, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/11', 1, 0); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/12', 1, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/13', 0, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/14', 0, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/15', 1, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/16', 1, 0); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/17', 1, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/18', 1, 0); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/19', 1, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/20', 0, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/21', 0, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/22', 1, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/23', 1, 0); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/24', 1, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/25', 1, 0); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/26', 1, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/27', 0, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/28', 0, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/29', 1, 1); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/30', 1, 0); INSERT INTO order_calendar( order_date, is_orderable, is_deliverable)VALUES( '2019/07/31', 1, 1);
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE pkg_order_calendar IS -- レコード TYPE rec_cal IS RECORD( col1 VARCHAR2(10) ,col2 VARCHAR2(10) ,col3 VARCHAR2(10) ,col4 VARCHAR2(10) ,col5 VARCHAR2(10) ,col6 VARCHAR2(10) ,col7 VARCHAR2(10) ); -- ネスト表 TYPE tbl_cal IS TABLE OF rec_cal; -- 表関数 FUNCTION get_cal( base_date IN order_calendar.order_date%TYPE -- 基準日 ) RETURN tbl_cal PIPELINED; END pkg_order_calendar;次にパッケージ本体です。
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY pkg_order_calendar IS -- 表関数 FUNCTION get_cal( base_date IN order_calendar.order_date%TYPE -- 基準日 ) RETURN tbl_cal PIPELINED IS v_rec_cal rec_cal; v_to_date order_calendar.order_date%TYPE; v_col_count PLS_INTEGER; v_set_col VARCHAR2(10); BEGIN v_to_date := TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(base_date ,'yyyy/mm/dd') + 6, 'yyyy/mm/dd'); FOR i IN 1..3 LOOP v_rec_cal := NULL; -- レコードクリア v_col_count := 0; FOR v_rec_order_calendar IN( SELECT * FROM order_calendar WHERE order_date BETWEEN base_date AND v_to_date ORDER BY order_date ) LOOP CASE i WHEN 1 THEN v_set_col := v_rec_order_calendar.order_date; WHEN 2 THEN v_set_col := v_rec_order_calendar.is_orderable; WHEN 3 THEN v_set_col := v_rec_order_calendar.is_deliverable; END CASE; v_col_count := v_col_count + 1; CASE v_col_count WHEN 1 THEN v_rec_cal.col1 := v_set_col; WHEN 2 THEN v_rec_cal.col2 := v_set_col; WHEN 3 THEN v_rec_cal.col3 := v_set_col; WHEN 4 THEN v_rec_cal.col4 := v_set_col; WHEN 5 THEN v_rec_cal.col5 := v_set_col; WHEN 6 THEN v_rec_cal.col6 := v_set_col; WHEN 7 THEN v_rec_cal.col7 := v_set_col; END CASE; END LOOP; PIPE ROW(v_rec_cal); -- 1レコード返す END LOOP; END get_cal; END pkg_order_calendar;実行してみます
select * from pkg_order_calendar.get_cal('2019/07/10');
